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A War With No Instigators

Al-Sharq al-Awsat, London, February 12

There has been a dramatic turn of events in Syria. Over the course of just a few days, three fighter jets—one Russian, one Turkish, and one Israeli—were downed in the country. These are three important events not only because they challenge the claim that Western armies enjoy air supremacy, but also because the three downed planes belong to nations that shape, to a great degree, the situation on the ground in Syria. While the Russians are still directly involved in the fighting, the two other states have to date chosen to remain on the sidelines. Both Turkey and Israel stood idly by as the Syrian war unfolded and refused to take action. Now, as the fighting reaches their own backyards, they seem to be reacting with fury. Unfortunately, it does not look like the situation in Syria will be resolved any time soon. The Russians will continue their aggressive campaign against Syrian rebels; the Iranians will enhance their footprint in the country; and Turkey will expand its operations against the Kurds. In addition to this hodge-podge of actors, Israel will prepare to confront Iran in the Syrian arena. Sadly, this reality perhaps best encapsulates the Syrian war: namely, it is a conflict without any instigators—one in which everyone, as a result no one in particular, is at fault. The Russians deny any connection to the downing of the Israeli F-16. The Americans claim they have nothing to do with the rockets fired by rebels at the Russian jet. And Iran rejects the accusation that it sent a drone into Israeli territory. All of the parties pretend that they aren’t involved, when, in reality, all of them are guilty of exacerbating the war. Make no mistake: the only way to bring about a lasting ceasefire in Syria is by removing foreign powers from the country. Only then can the core issues at the heart of this war be addressed. – Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed