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Doctors of Tomorrow Hackathon

Tickets (CA$4.00 +CA$1.26 fee) here [1].

Doctors of Tomorrow is hosting an Ontario-wide hackathon. All proceeds from tickets will go directly to the Yemen Crisis fund. Thank you for your interest!

Please see our Instagram page (@gpss_doctorsoftomorrow) and refer to our email (gpssdoctorsoftomorrow@gmail.com [3]) for more information.

Reasons for participating in the hackathon:

The cholera outbreak began in Yemen in 2016 and is ongoing to this day. During the colder season in February and March of 2017 cases started going down, until they quickly resurged back in April of 2017. 1.2 million cases have been reported and 58% of the deceased due to the virus have been children in Yemen. The outbreak has worsened due to the ongoing civil war. Airstrikes damaged medical facilities and the physical conflicts negatively impacted water and sanitation. Public health was no longer funded by the Yemen government. Sanitation workers were not paid and garbage was accumulated while health professionals fled the country. DOT is hosting this hackathon where participants will be creating an app surrounding a theme related to a world issue, which will be revealed on December 19. There will be workshops hosted about app design, coding and pitching your idea. This competition will be held with groups of 3 – 4 individuals. The best project will receive a prize from our sponsors at the end of our event. All proceedings from tickets will go directly to the Yemen Crisis fund.