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Dr Anne Landborg: Coffin Texts – To Cut a Long Spell Short

Tickets (£5) here [1].

To cut a long spell short: Textual excerpts on the Two Brothers’ coffins and coffins from Assiut.

About this event

During the Middle Kingdom, Assiut and the surrounding area had a very local tradition of decoration style of coffins, which in many ways differs from the ‘standard style’. The coffins might include ornamental texts on the outside with heavily shortened versions of Pyramid- and Coffin Texts spells that the copyists did not attempt to include in their entirety. The ‘Two Brother’s’ coffins, now in Manchester Museum, comes from Deir Rifeh near Assiut, and has the same local style. During the lecture, we will take a detailed look at some of the ornamental texts from the area, including the Two Brothers’ texts, in order to see how the ancient artists chose to present the textual excerpts.