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Friends of the Egypt Center Double Lecture

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This event will contain two lectures by MA students at Swansea University

About this event

Title: Wig Snatched: Unveiling the process behind wig making and the wig industry in ancient Egypt, by Mollie Beck

Abstract: An overview of the research done on the art of wig making and its many secrets. This talk discusses the evidence for a potential industry in wig making along with the raw materials needed and used during this process.

Bio: Mollie is a master’s student from Colorado USA. She graduated from Swansea University with a BA in Egyptology and is currently enrolled in the Ancient Egyptian Culture masters program at Swansea. The topic for her undergrad dissertation was Wig making and the wig industry and she is currently researching beekeeping in ancient Egypt for her master’s dissertation. Mollie worked in Egypt on the archaeology team with the South Asasif Conservation Project and hopes to return again this season.

Title: From rats to robber flies: active pest control in ancient Egypt

Abstract: Pests ultimately shaped the growth and development of all ancient civilizations and affected every aspect of daily life. I aim to discuss natural threats of ancient Egyptian households and granaries, focusing on Rodentia and Insecta and the active methods used to repel and eradicate these animals from Middle Kingdom to Greco-Roman Egypt. This includes traps, fumigation, and religious intervention, which all indicate the exchange of ideas and practices between different cultures which influenced active ancient Egyptian pest control practices.

Bio: Cathy has gained both a BA Egyptology and Classical Civilizations and MA in and Ancient Egyptian Culture from Swansea University. Whilst undertaking these courses, she volunteered with excavations such as the South Asasif Conservation Project, and museums, including the Egypt Center, and more recently, the CircArt project at the British Museum. She aims to embark on a Ph.D. program in September 2021, analyzing the functionality of incense in ancient Egypt.

This event is free, although donations are very much welcomed!