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From Black and White to Shades of Gray

Date and time: Sunday, August 30, 2020, 2:30 to 4 pm Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)

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Stories of Meeting the Other

Noor Awad is a Palestinian Roots activist from Bethlehem, and Shaul Judelman is the Israeli co-director of Roots. Together, they will try to describe the devastating and ultimately life-expanding experience of meeting the other in the full force of his particular identity.

Palestinians and Israelis live the hubris of exclusivity, a state of mind in which the other side is simply invisible as anything other than the two-dimensional gray mass of the enemy. We deny each other and build our identities upon the nullification of the other’s identity. Shaul and Noor will present the cognitive dissonance, confusion, and disorientation created when they first met the other side, and the psychological process initiated in the wake of deep, continuous dialogue. They will explore how their own narratives were fundamentally challenged and ultimately expanded to include the truth of the other as well.