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Jewish Identity, Jewish Diversity: The Jewish World in Photos

Date and time: July 21, 2020, 7:30 pm British Summer Time (UTC+1)

Join Zoom meeting here [1].

Leading New York photographer Zion Ozeri was born in Israel of Yemenite parents. From Uzbekistan to Tunisia, Yemen to the US, India to Russia, he will share with us his explorations of cross-cultural contemporary Jewish life, perpetually searching for connections in a world often impacted by exile and loss.

Meeting ID: 837 4982 2286

Password: wideangle

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Meeting ID: 837 4982 2286

Password: 316053558

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdJ43G3Mik [4]

Please note that there is no registration. Participant numbers on ZOOM are limited but the event will be livestreamed to the Harif Facebook page and a recording made available. Priority will be given to questions sent in advance to info@harif.org [5].