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Leaders Creating Leaders – A Study Group Learning the Torah of Rabbi Sacks

Select date here [1].

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l taught that “Good leaders create followers. Great leaders create leaders”. His vast body of teachings influence millions of people worldwide. We continue to be inspired, and every Monday at 8 pm we will begin a weekly learning group, a chabura, dedicated to reading the weekly Torah reading from his book Lessons in Leadership: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible [2].

The sessions will be facilitated by Marcus J Freed with a view to learning Rabbi Sacks’ teachings and drawing practical leadership lessons that we can bring into our daily lives and use to enhance the world around us.

God instructed Moses “you shall be a nation of priests” (Exodus 19:6) and Chaim Weitzman, first president of Israel said, “I head a nation of a million presidents.”

What better way to continue Rabbi Sacks’ legacy?

To attend the session, click here [3].


A project of Hampstead Garden Suburb’s Central Square Minyan [6].