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Meditate Amman – Mind stuck in past? Overcome sadness & learn to Enjoy Life

Register here [1].

Saturday Free Guided Meditation class. Easy, practical & useful. Meditate for spiritual awakening, stress care, joy & health. Register now!

About this event

Meditate, meet and get motivated.

Looking for peace, balance, joy, overcome stress, transform and meet other seekers? Welcome to free guided ‘Sahaja Yoga’ online meditation classes that help you achieve meditation benefits in quick and easy steps and discover its healing power. No prior experience needed. These classes are designed to provide experience of an in-person interactive session.

How to join?

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5587014223?pwd=S2xiMmd2Zk1nMDkwUFRBL2c5NEVVQT09 [3]


Meeting ID: 5587014223

Password: 0000

Register now for confirmation!

We recommend joining by laptop for better experience. All levels welcome. Register now for confirmation.

You will find experience of this online class very real life like and in fact more attentive and personal.

Join us on Facebook for more resources- more live events, recorded sessions, self learning units, mentorship, downloads and some light hearted socialization.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeMeditateGroup [5]

What meditation technique is used?

The gentle and easy technique shared is known as ‘Sahaja Yoga’ meditation and is practiced in more than 100 countries and is always free. It was founded in 1970 by- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. When practiced for 10 minutes a day it can lead to dramatic positive change in your personal life – even after one week of practice!

More at https://sahajayogareview.wordpress.com/ [6]