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Oren Waldman about his novel ‘Panther in Jerusalem’ (in Hebrew)

Tickets (CA$10) here [1].

Oren Waldman in a talk about his novel “Panther in Jerusalem” (in Hebrew)

Copies of Panther in Jerusalem are available for purchase at:

Paper- book in Amazon [2]

Digital version on e-vrit [3]

Audio version on Icast [4]

The JPL presents an online event sponsored by The Rivka and Yaacov Grossman Annual Memorial Endowment Fund

Oren Waldman in a talk about his novel “Panther in Jerusalem”

Panther in Jerusalem is an original Israeli coming-of-age novel by Oren Waldman, published in 2021, and has won audience and critics’ acclaim. Imagination and reality mix with revealing the story behind the Georgian masterpiece “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin,” which was translated in the 1960s by Dov (Boris) Gafonov. The research and writing of the book lasted 14 years and was completed in Montreal.

Oren Waldman, born in 1973, lived in Montreal for the past two and a half years and recently returned to Israel. He is an Organizational Consultant, married, and a father of five.

Introduced by Estie Kleinfeld, Hebrew Cultural Committee Member.