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The Arabs and the Holocaust

Date and time: Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 7:30 pm British Summer Time (UTC+1)

Join Zoom meeting here [1].

Meeting ID: 870 5226 7906

Passcode: alamein

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Meeting ID: 870 5226 7906

Passcode: 4775317

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Please note that there is no registration. Participant numbers on Zoom are limited but the event will be livestreamed to the Harif Facebook page. Recordings will be uploaded on the Harif website. Priority will be given to questions sent in advance to info@harif.org [5]

What was the impact of World War II on Jewish communities in Arab countries? The German advance in North Africa was thwarted by the Allied victory at El-Alamein in 1942 but the ideological impact of Nazism on the Arab world was huge and is with us to this day.