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‘Abbas Names Faya’d as PM; Haniyya: I am Still Prime Minister

After days of heavy losses in fighting against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the head of Fatah, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud ‘Abbas, has fired his Hamas-dominated government and declared a state of emergency.  He appointed U.S.-favorite Salam Faya’d as the new prime minister.
Hamas immediately rejected the decision, according to The Media Line’s Ramallah correspondent. Isma’il Haniyya will continue as prime minister, he told reporters.
The instruction to fire the cabinet came from the White House, Hamas said. The organization is studying the full implications and will respond accordingly.
The emergency government will be dominated by Fatah and will most likely include security officials.
Some smaller factions expressed their opposition to the declaration, among them the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.  
Fatah’s Central Committee gave ‘Abbas the authority to decide between dissolving the government; announcing a state of emergency; and calling for an international force to enter the Gaza Strip. Fatah’s Central Committee convened Thursday morning to decide on how to respond to the crisis that has been developing in the Gaza Strip since last week. 
‘Abbas’s top adviser, Nabil ‘Amru, delivered a televised speech Thursday morning, in which he attacked Hamas, describing its acts as a military revolution. ‘Amru denounced the conduct of Hamas leaders, Prime Minister Isma’il Haniyya and the movement’s Political Bureau Chief Khalid Mash’al. He said ‘Abbas has repeatedly called the two, but they were unable or unwilling to stop the fighting.
During ‘Amru’s speech, the clashes between Hamas and Fatah were ongoing. Hamas has already seized control over much of the Gaza Strip, including many of the security organizations’ headquarters.
Dozens have been killed and many others wounded during the past few days. The local Gaza hospitals are calling on the public to donate blood, as many wounded people continue to arrive. 
Fighting has also begun in the West Bank, where Fatah security forces arrested a few Hamas operatives and attacked properties belonging to Hamas.
The Israeli defense establishment will hold meetings next week in an effort to prepare recommendations for a new policy in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli daily Haaretz reports.
Israel is worried about the fate of its kidnapped soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit, who has been held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip since June 2006. Talks for his release ceased completely as a result of the recent violence in Gaza.