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Chad Asks Egypt for Help with Darfur Crisis

Chad is asking Cairo to help maintain security between Chad and its neighbor, Sudan.
Chad’s President Idris Dibi sent a letter to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Saturday asking for help in brokering a peaceful agreement to solve the security problems between Chad and Sudan, caused by the fighting in Darfur.
Egypt shares its southern border with Sudan.
Darfur refugees are hiding on the Chad-Sudan border and have not disarmed, in contravention of an agreement reached last month among leaders of Egypt, Sudan, Chad and Libya, the Sudan Tribune reported.
The Sudanese government agreed on Thursday to a United Nations peacekeeping role in Darfur, but the mission will be dominated by the African Union troops and an AU commander.
The U.N. was pushing for a larger role in Darfur, where more than 200,000 people have been killed in a conflict raging since 2003.
Khartoum has repeatedly rejected a dominant U.N. intervention, calling it Western imperialism.
The U.N. forces will mostly be providing technical assistance and advice. The U.N. is still awaiting written confirmation from Khartoum for its troops to be included in the peacekeeping mission.