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Elections … and Palestinian expectations

However various opinions might differ on the issue of the recent Palestinian elections, and the extent of the virtual powers, or capacities, which the upcoming members of the parliament could enjoy, under the Israeli occupation and dominance over all Palestinian affairs, no matter how marginal or pivotal they are – these elections have already become a de facto reality, especially when a substantial number of citizens have participated: either as candidates or voters, based on a relative optimism that the overall situation would improve, which resulted in a kind of wishful thinking about a better Palestinian political future.

For the elections to be effective and fruitful, within their objective context, every Palestinian should have been given the full freedom to choose the candidate or the list he feels to be capable and credible to accomplish the duties of parliamentarian performance – namely to fight corruption, to diligently work for rebuilding the devastated economy, and lay the solid foundations of the independent Palestinian state – the state where law and public order prevail, where all signs of illegal arms and the presence of thugs disappear from the streets, squares and public headquarters – and finally where all citizens comply with the principles of equality, equal opportunities and the rules of independent and just judicial system.

All the political lists and alliances should have taken their maximum chances, and their rightful shares of the votes, no matter whether they belonged to Fatah, Hamas, Independent Palestine, The Third path, The Alternative or other lists or independent candidates affiliated or unaffiliated with this or that political current. The results of the elections must be respected; be it that Fatah has won or Hamas or other parties: for these results reflect the will and decision of the people. Respect of the people’s will and decision is the soul and heart of democracy and its strong basis.

The final outcome of the Palestinian legislative elections and the climax of these developments will materialize in the formation of the upcoming government .What the Palestinian people hopes and expects is that the next government embodies a coalition or alliance between all political list and blocs which participated in the elections.

Young and youthful generations should get the lion’s share of the ministerial portfolios. It is high time for them to assume the reins of responsibilities for which they are more qualified, since they gained the valuable experience from the turbulent events of recent years, and added this experience to their advanced education, their sensitive feeling of their country’s issues, and their perspective on the means to rise with their people to the desired levels on various aspects and fields.

Palestinians are looking forward to the outcome of these elections, hoping that it would help in the emergence of a professional, technocratic and effective government – a government of experts locally and internationally accredited for their proficiency, objectivity, clean-handedness and allegiance to the people and the country. There are plentiful numbers of these Palestinian distinguished and qualified personnel in all economic, judicial, political, health, and social fields.

New professional and well-qualified faces are more eligible than the current incumbents to occupy the highest ranks of the Palestinian executive positions, more capable to correct the tracks of the Palestinian procession and to reset the programs of economy, judicial system, domestic and foreign policies and security to the right direction – after a lengthy time during which fatal mistakes have accumulated, standards have deteriorated and reform has turned into a difficult, if not an impossible, mission.

Mohammed Shaker Abdallah is the editorial page editor at Al-Quds.