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EU to discuss incorporation of Turkey

A crucial two-day European Union summit will begin on Thursday, to decide on whether or not to begin talks on open membership with Ankara.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Brussels on Wednesday with a team of officials and journalists. Erdogan reaffirmed that his country will accept nothing less than full EU membership after negotiations with the 25-nation bloc conclude.

Critics of Turkey’s EU membership bid say the country should be offered a less extensive partnership if membership talks fail, reports Turkish Weekly. The critics cite concerns about immigration, cultural differences and Turkey’s human rights record.

Last year’s EU summit in June was a failure for Turkey, but this year Erdogan is more confident because of the European delegation’s report from October 6. The report said Ankara has implemented the reforms suggested by Copenhagen, and recommended beginning the talks.

Erdogan warned the EU that a negative decision on its part would “prove that it is a Christian club. This in its turn would increase the religious violence in the EU.” He added that a decision to incorporate Turkey, “would push forward dialogue and mutual understanding between civilizations.”