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Hundreds Protest ‘Rumored’ Outpost Evacuation

Hundreds of people set out to protest the expected removal of two “empty” caravans from an illegal outpost in the West Bank overnight on Wednesday, according to Israeli news reports.

The protesters were called to Giv’at Asaf, north of Jerusalem, at about midnight on Wednesday by the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza and other supporters.

The IDF Spokesman said it had not deployed any troops to the community.

At the same time, several caravans were cleared from the outpost of Nofei Nehemiyah in West Bank and police arrested four protesters, according to the IDF.

The Israeli government intermittently calls for the dismantlement of illegal outposts or “settlements,” but rarely follows through.

The Road Map peace plan demands that Israel dismantle settlement “outposts” established after March 2001. There are also limitations regarding growth, both natural and construction, imposed on these communities.

Israel refers to illegal settlements as those established after this time and those without state building permits. However, internationally, ‘illegal settlements’ often refers to all areas built by Israelis in the West Bank and Gaza, land it occupied illegally according to international law, in 1967.

The state and the Jewish residents of post-1967 territories are expected to lock horns frequently as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon prepares to withdraw unilaterally from the Gaza Strip next year.