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Iran to Install 3,000 Centrifuges Today

In an immediate response to a United Nations sanctions resolution Iran will begin installing 3,000 uranium enriching centrifuges today, Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator ‘Ali Larijani said.
"We will begin the activities of 3,000 centrifuges in [the nuclear reactor of] Natanz, and we will go ahead with full speed," Larijani added.
On Saturday, the United Nations Security Council issued resolution 1737, which imposed restrictions on Iran’s nuclear industry and ballistic missile program.
"This resolution is a strong signal to the government of Iran that it should accept its international obligations, suspend its sensitive nuclear activities and accept the negotiations path that U.S. and its Security Council partners offered six month ago," read an announcement by the U.S. State Department.
Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the resolution and said it considered it "an extrajudicial action by the Security Council." The ministry’s statement added that the double standard of the Security Council’s approach toward Iran’s nuclear program on the one hand, and Israel’s nuclear arsenal on the other, was "unacceptable."