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Israel’s Labor Party prepared to join cabinet for sake of peace process

Israel’s Labor Party is considering joining the Sharon government if peace talks resume.

That message has been transmitted to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as the right-wing parties in the coalition threaten to resign.

Ariel Sharon and his senior Likud party colleagues are sending positive messages to the Bush Administration about the U.S.-proposed peace Road Map.

The Americans hope the document will lay the foundation for the creation of a Palestinian state in return for guaranteed security for Israel.

On recent visits to Washington senior Israeli officials have told President George W. Bush and his advisers they are prepared to accept the plan with minimal changes.

That has led Israel’s National Union and National Religious Parties to warn that they may not be prepared to remain in the coalition.

However, Labor Party leaders are making it clear they are prepared to back Sharon if he is committed to participate in serious negotiations.

Initially, Labor wants to remain in opposition, offering Sharon a safety net in votes in Israel’s parliament – the Knesset.

In the event of the collapse of the Sharon government, Labor says it’s prepared to join the coalition.

That would turn Sharon’s coalition into the first secular government in Israel’s history.

Labor and Likud would hold 59 seats, with Shinui bringing another 15, in the 120-member Knesset.

Shinui would see such a coalition as the perfect opportunity to introduce secular legislation on a wide variety of issues.

The party is committed to separating religion from politics and the state.

There is widespread support for the party’s platform, particularly in insisting all Israelis serve in the army.