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No Gains for Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt’s Upper House

The Muslim Brotherhood, the largest opposition group in Egypt, did not win any seats in the upper house of parliament in Monday’s elections, according to preliminary results.
Egypt’s ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) won the majority of the 88 seats up for grabs, while the large opposition group did not win any seats, the state-run Al-Gumhouriyya reported on Wednesday.
Official results have not been released.
The voting was marred by deadly violence and exchange of accusations of vote rigging between the ruling party and the opposition. Dozens of brotherhood members were arrested during voting day.
The Muslim Brotherhood fielded 19 candidates as independents for the upper house, known as the Shoura Council.
The council is an advisory body which has limited legislative powers.
The ruling party was concerned that Muslim Brotherhood gains in these elections would further embolden the opposition and indicate an erosion of the NDP’s popularity.
The Muslim Brotherhood accused government forces on Monday of blocking potential opposition voters from reaching the ballot boxes. The government denied the allegations.
A man was killed during clashes between supporters of rival candidates in the Nile Delta region.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a banned organization, but it is tolerated to some extent. Controversial constitutional amendments made earlier this year limited participation of the Muslim Brotherhood in political activity by banning political activity based on religion.
Officials from the Muslim Brotherhood said the outcome of the election was a setback for democracy.
The advisory council has 264 seats – 176 are elected by popular vote and the remaining seat-holders are appointed by the president.
The elections are being held in two phases. The second round of voting will take place next Monday.