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Sharon Postpones Buffer-Zone-Route Decision

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon postponed Wednesday’s cabinet meeting that was scheduled to decide the route of the buffer zone.

The buffer is intended to separate Israeli and Palestinian cities, according to Jerusalem.

However, the Palestinians say Israel intends turning the buffer into a permanent border.

The official reason being given for the postponement of the meeting is an overfull timetable for ministers.

However, Israel is still in intense negotiations with the United States about the path the buffer will take.

Washington is objecting to the buffer being constructed inside the West Bank.

At home, Sharon is facing opposition to the route from Israelis living in Samaria and facing the risk of not being included inside the buffer.

The 20,000 people of Ariel are amongst the most vocal opponents of the proposed course for the buffer.

Meanwhile, residents of Karnei Shomron are threatening to use bulldozers to destroy the buffer if it fails to include their homes.