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Syria May Leave Lebanon Quietly

Syria is examining the possibility of a quiet exit from the neighboring Lebanon in the near future, diplomatic sources in Damascus told the Qatari daily Al-Watan.

The paper reported that a European delegation consisting of representatives from Britain, France and Germany are soon to visit Damascus to discuss the matter.

Syria recently came under pressure when the United Nations Security Council approved Resolution 1559 on September 2, which calls for the “withdrawal of foreign troops from Lebanon and for presidential elections without foreign intervention.”

Syria first entered Lebanon during the civil war in 1976 and has some 15,000 troops stationed in the neighboring country.

The sources said the Syrian leadership wants a complete withdrawal from Lebanon so as not to give Israel any excuse for not cooperating with international resolutions. They cited reports from the French embassies in Syria and Lebanon that suggest Damascus is studying the possibility seriously. Apparently Syria wishes to carry out the withdrawal without causing a media racket similar to that which occurred when it recently redeployed its forces in Lebanon.

The sources said a European delegation will be visiting Damascus over the next few weeks to give Syria a last chance to fall in line with Resolution 1559 or else Syria and Lebanon may face sanctions.

The report said the delegation was decided upon during a recent meeting between British and French leaders Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac, and that Blair also indicated that the United States will support this European move.