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Syria Rejects U.N. Resolution

Syria has rejected a United Nations Security Council resolution that calls for all foreign troops to leave Lebanon. Syria has an estimated 14,000 soldiers there and according to its foreign minister, they’re not going anywhere soon.

Foreign Minister Farouq A-Shara’ said his country’s position has not changed. “We think [Security Council Resolution] 1559 is illegal intervention in Syrian-Lebanese bilateral relations.”

Israel, meanwhile, is livid over the initialing of a trade agreement between Syria and the European Union. Once ratified by the parties and signed, it will give Syria greater access to EU markets in exchange for progress on human rights and other areas demanded by the Europeans. The agreement is being used as counterpoint to the American policy of threatening sanctions against Syria.

A European demand to include a Syrian pledge on nuclear and chemical weapons had been a stumbling point, and neither side is willing to say how the matter was solved.