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The Media Line Daily News focus

1. SHARON-‘ABBAS PARLEY EARLY NEXT WEEK…Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Palestinian premier Mahmoud ‘Abbas are scheduled to meet early next week. The two have met several times since the U.S. and the international ‘Quartet’ launched the peace Road Map.

2. WHITE HOUSE CONFIRMS BUSH-‘ABBAS MEETING…Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud ‘Abbas will visit the United States later this month, with a meeting with President George W. Bush planned for July 25. Bush will also hold talks around the same date with Israeli premier Ariel Sharon. However, at this stage the three men are not expected to sit together.

3. PALESTINIAN MINISTER: WORKING ON TRUCE EXTENSION…The Palestinian Authority is seeking to extend the Hudna cease-fire agreement with the Palestinian terror organizations. The June 29 deal only has a three-month shelf life. Information Minister Nabil Amru told the Associated Press there is a belief the Hudna can be made permanent. He urged Israel to show more flexibility in imposing deadlines for disarming the terror groups.

4. ISRAEL: PALESTINIANS DID NOT HELP IN KIDNAP RESCUE…Senior Israeli soldiers say the Palestinians did nothing to help in the rescue of kidnapped taxi driver Eliyahu Gurel. The 61-year-old was found alive and well on Wednesday. While Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud ‘Abbas said he would do all he could to help, the Israeli military maintains that did not translate itself into reality on the ground. However, at least one Israeli analyst says that is an unfair representation of the story. There is a school of thought that claims Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz decided the operation should be a ‘Blue and White’ affair only, in other words just an Israeli mission. That means the Palestinians were not asked for help, and therefore cannot be blamed for not aiding the rescue operation.

5. BLAIR TO PUSH ROAD MAP IN CONGRESS…British Prime Minister Tony Blair is expected to focus on the peace Road Map when he addresses both Houses of Congress later today. He intends trying to persuade Israel’s most loyal supporters of the benefits of the U.S.-led peace plan, according to the London newspaper The Guardian.