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U.S.: Arafat blocking Gaza deaths Inquiry

Palestinian Authority (P.A.) Chairman Yassir Arafat is preventing a proper investigation to find and bring to trial the killers of three American security guards attacked in the Gaza Strip in October 2003, Undersecretary of State David Satterfield said on July 20.

“There has been no satisfactory resolution of this case,” said Satterfield, speaking to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “We can only conclude that there has been a political decision taken by the chairman [Arafat] to block further progress in this investigation.”

Since the beginning of the investigation, the United States has blamed the P.A. for not exerting enough effort to find the perpetrators. It is, however, the first time Chairman Arafat is being personally blamed for this.

In his speech, Satterfield also spoke of the security reforms in the P.A. “In all honesty, I must tell you that there has been very little preparation or movement on the part of the Palestinian Authority to take these steps.”

Talking about the problems facing the Road Map for peace in the Middle East, Satterfield said, “The Palestinian Authority has not put a stop to violence and terror. Without an end to brutal acts such as suicide bombings, there can be no progress towards peace. Israel also has obligations under the Road Map, and has promised to fulfill the commitments Prime Minister Sharon made to President Bush at Aqaba last year to dismantle unauthorized outposts and establish parameters for a freeze on new settlement construction.

“We are now eager to refocus attention where it should be – on the Gaza withdrawal and practical steps to reform the institutions of the Palestinian Authority. These are the types of efforts that will reenergize the peace process and get the Road Map back on track,” added Satterfield.

Despite these words, an analysis written in Britain by the Department for International Development (DFID), in consultation with the Foreign Office, reveals British alarm at the disengagement of the U.S. from events in Israel and the occupied territories, reports The Guardian.

“The United States is losing interest in the Middle East peace process with the result that the prospects of creating a viable Palestinian state are gradually disappearing,” stated the report and added, “The role of the U.S.A., the country with the most leverage over Israel, is key. Frustration with aspects of the Palestinian leadership, preoccupations in Iraq, presidential elections and security concerns for U.S. citizens may risk U.S.A. disengagement at the highest levels from the peace process when it is most likely to start collapsing.”

The report stated the P.A. has failed to make the necessary progress on security reform, and accused some Palestinians of having personal agendas.

It also criticizes the P.A., saying, “Major constraints include a shortage of clear political direction, limited popular support, management deficiencies, inadequate staffing in key areas, corruption, and accusations of misuse of funds and sponsoring terrorism.”