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On 9/11, US Law Enforcement Officials in Israel for Counter-terrorism Workshops (VIDEO)

On September 11, 2011, the course of history was changed forever. Throughout the world people sat glued to their television screens as the previously unthinkable materialized. Al Qa’ida terrorists had hijacked four commercial airliners, flying two of them into World Trade Center towers in New York City and another into the Pentagon. The fourth would later crash in an open field in Pennsylvania, after passengers unsuccessfully, albeit heroically, attempted to regain control of the plane.

The events of that morning prompted the US to invade Afghanistan in order to oust the Taliban, which had been harboring Osama bin Laden. Two years later, the US military would occupy Iraq. American troops are still actively fighting insurgents in both countries.

9/11 brought into stark focus the scourge of Islamic terrorism, which remains a major problem worldwide. No country is seemingly immune.

The happenings of that day forced nations to begin investing huge amounts of resources into counter-terrorism programs. And on this year’s commemorative day, some US law enforcement officers are in Israel to participate in training activities and attend a four-day conference.

The Media Line caught up with some of those battling on the front lines in the War on Terror.