Zelenskyy Meets with Saudi Crown Prince in Unannounced Visit
Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Jeddah, June 12, 2024. (Screenshot: X)

Zelenskyy Meets with Saudi Crown Prince in Unannounced Visit

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, traveled to Jeddah on Wednesday for an unannounced meeting with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (MBS). High-ranking Saudi officials, including the national security adviser and the ambassador to Kyiv, welcomed Zelenskyy, according to the state-run Saudi Press Agency. The Saudi Foreign Ministry posted pictures of the meeting on social media but did not disclose discussion details.

Zelenskyy last visited Saudi Arabia in February to promote his peace plan and discuss Saudi involvement in releasing prisoners of war. Saudi Arabia, which maintains relations with both Ukraine and Russia, has shown interest in mediating between the two sides. In March 2023, a Saudi official expressed a desire to assist with “important minor issues” that could contribute to a political solution.

Recently, Zelenskyy has been traveling extensively to recruit support for an upcoming peace summit in Switzerland. It remains unclear if Saudi Arabia will be among the over 90 nations scheduled to attend.

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