Punjab Schools Closed for a Week Due to Severe Heatwave

Punjab Schools Closed for a Week Due to Severe Heatwave

In response to a severe heatwave in Pakistan’s eastern Punjab province, all public and private schools will be closed from May 25 to May 31, local authorities announced Monday. The school education department of Punjab stated, “However, schools will be allowed to conduct examinations as scheduled, with necessary precautions to ensure the safety of students.”

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) had warned last week that high pressure in the upper atmosphere would likely lead to heatwave conditions across most of the country, particularly in Punjab and southern Sindh province, starting May 21. These conditions are expected to intensify into a severe heatwave from May 23 to May 27.

The PMD advised the public to minimize exposure to direct sunlight and to use water judiciously in all aspects of daily life. The department also warned that the extreme heat and dry conditions could spark bushfires and forest fires in vulnerable areas of Punjab and other regions of Pakistan.

Authorities are taking these precautions to protect public health and safety, as the extreme temperatures pose significant risks. The public is urged to stay hydrated, avoid outdoor activities during peak heat hours, and follow all safety guidelines provided by local authorities.

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