Fake Degrees Are a Threat to the Prestige of Iraq

Fake Degrees Are a Threat to the Prestige of Iraq

Al Mada, Iraq, May 30

In a world where the race toward academic and professional excellence is accelerating, the proliferation of fake degrees delivers a devastating blow to the educational system and the prestige of our country. A university certificate is not merely a document hung on walls; it is a testament to the academic and professional merit of its holder. When this certificate is awarded without merit, it completely loses its value and credibility, contributing to a culture of fraud and deception in society. Such manipulation of the educational system leads to the deterioration of the quality of education and the level of educational attainment. This is precisely what is unfolding in Iraq. Forged certificates have become a malignant scourge that eats away at the academic community and state leadership, threatening the future of coming generations. The issue of forged educational certificates and documents in Iraq is not new, but it has intensified and become more visible since 2003. Alarmingly, the Iraqi parliament has tried to obscure this reality, even attempting to include individuals who forged their university certificates in the general amnesty law. In a shocking move that drew widespread resentment, Parliament passed a law in 2020 regarding the equivalency of certificates, effectively allowing these forgery operations to go unpunished. Recently, it was revealed that certain officials and politicians have been among those who obtained fake certificates from three Lebanese universities. This scandal provoked broad dissatisfaction both in Iraq and Lebanon, leading to the suspension of Iraqi students at these institutions. The impact of forged diplomas on state prestige cannot be overstated. Such diplomas represent a dangerous phenomenon that threatens the state’s dignity and undermines citizens’ trust in its institutions. When the state turns a blind eye to these practices, it demonstrates a blatant weakness in its legal and educational system and widespread corruption within its administrative apparatus, posing a long-term threat to its stability and security. The state loses its legitimacy, weakening its ability to enforce the law. Corruption and bribery become rampant, and a culture of impunity spreads, negatively affecting social cohesion and stalling development. This situation burdens the country’s international reputation, jeopardizes scientific cooperation and knowledge exchange, and risks isolating its universities and academics from the global community. Hence, fake degrees become a time bomb threatening the country’s stability and impeding its progress. Addressing this phenomenon requires a firm stance, tightening penalties for forgers, reinforcing the rule of law, and empowering educational institutions to promote a culture of integrity and honesty. The impact of fake certificates on higher education is equally dire. To preserve Iraq’s international standing and ensure a promising future for higher education, the government, education ministries, universities, and educational institutions must take a resolute stance against fake degrees. Oversight and penalties must be intensified to deter such practices and protect the value of genuine diplomas. A strong message must be sent that forging degrees is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The government must expel from office anyone proven to have falsified their credentials and charge them with forgery and deceiving society. This would ensure the integrity of leadership positions and protect society from deception. Only by maintaining integrity and quality in education can nations flourish and progress toward a better future. —Muhammad Al-Rubaie (translated by Asaf Zilberfarb)

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