Armenia’s Recognition of Palestine Sparks Diplomatic Row With Israel

Armenia’s Recognition of Palestine Sparks Diplomatic Row With Israel

Armenia has officially recognized Palestine as a state, a decision announced on Friday by the Armenian Foreign Ministry and reported by the Russian TASS news agency. This move prompted Israel’s Foreign Ministry to summon the Armenian ambassador for a “stern reprimand.” Deputy Foreign Minister Vahan Kostanyan shared on X that Armenia’s decision aligns with its longstanding support for a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In a detailed statement, the Armenian Foreign Ministry condemned the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the ongoing military conflict. The ministry called for the release of the remaining 120 hostages held in Gaza and supported UN General Assembly resolutions for an immediate cease-fire. Armenia emphasized its commitment to “peace and stability in the Middle East” and the “establishment of lasting reconciliation between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples.”

The Palestinian presidency and Hamas welcomed Armenia’s decision, viewing it as a significant step toward international recognition of Palestinian statehood. The Palestinian presidency expressed gratitude to Armenia for its support of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination. “This step reflects the friendship between our peoples and Armenia’s keenness to support our rights,” the Palestinian presidency stated.

The Palestinian Authority has been pushing for UN membership, a move blocked by the US, and has urged other nations to recognize Palestine amid the Gaza conflict. The war, sparked by Hamas’s invasion of Israel on October 7, resulted in over 1,200 Israeli deaths and 251 hostages taken. Hamas claims over 37,000 Palestinians have died in the conflict, while Israel states that 14,000 of these were combatants.

Antisemitism has been on the rise in Armenia since the outbreak of the war, with Jewish communities in the region facing attacks. Armenia’s ties with Iran have also strengthened amid rising tensions with Azerbaijan. Reports have indicated the presence of Iranian military personnel in Armenia, and Iran has sent agents to manage the Blue Mosque in Yerevan. Iran and Israel remain adversaries, with Iran launching significant rocket attacks on Israel in April.

Armenia is an observer state of the Arab League, which recognizes Palestine as a member state. Since 1988, 145 countries have recognized Palestine, with Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, the Bahamas, Norway, Spain, Ireland, and Slovenia doing so in the last two months. These recognitions come as the Palestinian Authority renews its efforts to join the United Nations. Despite significant international support, the US continues to block this initiative.

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