Egypt: Number of Visitors Grows by 85% in First Half of 2022 Compared to Same Period Last Year

Egypt: Number of Visitors Grows by 85% in First Half of 2022 Compared to Same Period Last Year

As Egypt opened its museums and archaeological sites to tourists for free on Tuesday to mark World Tourism Day, the country’s Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics announced that around 4.9 million tourists visited Egypt in the first half of 2022, an 85.4% increase compared to the same period last year. Hotel occupancy also grew in 2022, though not as much; during the first six months of 2022, it was 52.6 million nights, a 63.6% increase compared to the first half of 2021. In all of 2021, 8 million tourists visited Egypt, a 117.5% increase over 2020, when 3.7 million people visited the country.

The “rise in numbers of tourists visiting Egypt in 2021 and the first half of 2022 is a good indication of recovery after the COVID-19 that caused a sharp decline in numbers due to the policies of the lockdown imposed worldwide,” said Ashraf al-Sahah, a member of the Egyptian Tourism Federation.

Before the pandemic, tourism was breaking records in Egypt: Revenue from tourism hit a peak in 2019 at $13.03 billion, with 13.1 million people arriving that year as tourists.

Tourism and Antiquities Minister Ahmed Issa said that the country had set an ambitious goal to increase the number of foreign tourists by 25 to 30% annually. To achieve this, the ministry would invest in improved hotels and shopping malls and would raise the quality of services the country offered to tourists, whether in airports or taxis, on the streets of the country’s cities, or elsewhere. Issa also said his ministry and the aviation ministry would work together to increase the capacity of airports and the number of flights available. “The tourism industry is one of the main pillars of the national economy, and it is linked with many complimentary industries and contributes to providing job opportunities directly and indirectly,” he said at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

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