Netanyahu Invited To Address US Congress Amid Tensions With Biden
US President Joe Biden (L), sits with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at the start of the Israeli war cabinet meeting, in Tel Aviv on October 18, 2023, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas. (MIRIAM ALSTER/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Netanyahu Invited To Address US Congress Amid Tensions With Biden

US House Speaker Mike Johnson has announced that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon address a joint meeting of Congress, signaling a robust show of support for Israel amid its ongoing conflict in Gaza and rising diplomatic tensions with President Joe Biden. The announcement was made during the Israeli embassy’s annual Independence Day reception in Washington, which this year doubled as a solidarity event for Israel.

Johnson’s declaration comes at a time when the US-Israel relationship is strained over differences in handling the Gaza conflict, particularly concerning the protection of Palestinian civilians. This move by Johnson, a known critic of Biden’s approach to Israel, aligns closely with Republican support for Netanyahu’s policies and contrasts sharply with the more critical stance of progressive Democrats.

The upcoming address by Netanyahu, who has previously aligned with Republican interests, is expected to exacerbate tensions within US political circles, especially among Democrats who have expressed disapproval of Israel’s military actions in Gaza. The event also emphasized bipartisan support, with Democratic Representative Pete Aguilar sharing the stage and affirming US commitment to Israel’s sovereignty.

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