Experts Warn Iran Could Achieve Nuclear Weapons Capability in Weeks

Experts Warn Iran Could Achieve Nuclear Weapons Capability in Weeks

Iran may be just weeks away from developing nuclear weapons, according to Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Grossi visited Iran recently to strengthen the UN’s oversight of the country’s nuclear activities. Despite some cooperation, including access to nuclear sites, Iran’s accelerated uranium enrichment has alarmed international experts. Giorgia Valente reports that Iran has reached 60% uranium purity, approaching the 90% required for weapons-grade material.

The situation has escalated since the US withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal, prompting Iran to roll back cooperation with the IAEA. Experts, including Steven Biegalski from Georgia Institute of Technology and Darya Dolzikova from the Royal United Services Institute, emphasize the urgency, noting that Iran is poised to achieve its nuclear goals swiftly.

Daryl Kimball of the Arms Control Association and Simon Henderson from the Washington Institute highlight the broader implications, including potential nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. The US, France, Germany, and the UK are urged to push for renewed Iranian cooperation with the IAEA. The full article by Giorgia Valente delves deeper into these pressing issues and the global response needed to address Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

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