Father Recounts Last Moments of Israeli Soldier Slain by Hamas
Adir and David Tahar at Adir's Golani Brigade graduation. (Courtesy David Tahar)

Father Recounts Last Moments of Israeli Soldier Slain by Hamas

In a poignant interview with Aaron Poris of The Media Line, David Tahar recounts the tragic loss of his son, Sgt. Adir Tahar, a Golani Brigade sniper, at the hands of Hamas terrorists. On October 7, 2023, Sgt. Tahar was beheaded during an infiltration at his base near the Erez crossing on the northern Gaza Strip border. The terrorists subsequently attempted to ransom his severed head. In a detailed conversation, David Tahar shares memories of Adir’s generosity, his plans for the future, and the harrowing details of his final hours. He also discusses his efforts to understand the circumstances of his son’s death and his determination to seek answers from the IDF about potential security lapses. To honor Adir’s legacy, the Tahar family is establishing a center called “Adir Bamarom” to support at-risk youth and continue Adir’s spirit of unity and strength. Read the full article on The Media Line’s website for more on this heart-wrenching story.

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