IAEA Pauses Talks with Iran Following Leaders’ Fatal Crash
A highly enriched uranium billet. (freepik.com)

IAEA Pauses Talks with Iran Following Leaders’ Fatal Crash

The recent deaths of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a helicopter crash have led to a temporary pause in the United Nations nuclear watchdog’s discussions with Tehran. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi announced the interruption during a nuclear conference in Helsinki.

“They are in a mourning period which I need to respect,” Grossi stated. “But once this is over, we are going to be engaging again,” he added, expressing hope that the interruption would last only a few days.

The IAEA planned to continue technical discussions with Iran, but the tragic crash has delayed these efforts. The watchdog faces several challenges with Iran, including Tehran’s barring of experienced uranium-enrichment experts and its failure to explain uranium traces found at undeclared sites, despite a years-long investigation.

Grossi emphasized the need for progress, noting that Iran is enriching uranium to up to 60% purity, close to weapons-grade levels. Iran currently possesses about 140 kg of uranium enriched to this level, theoretically enough for three nuclear bombs if further enriched. Despite this, Tehran insists its nuclear aims are peaceful.

The IAEA aims to enhance its oversight of Iran’s atomic activities while Iran’s uranium enrichment program advances. Grossi reiterated his hope for concrete results on improved cooperation but acknowledged that achieving a comprehensive agreement would take more time.

“It is high time there is some concrete issuance and if not resolution, some clarification of what is this,” Grossi said, referring to the unexplained uranium traces. He warned that global confidence in Iran’s nuclear intentions is dwindling.

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