Iran, Russia Agree on Gas Transfer Deal To Boost Regional Energy Trade

Iran, Russia Agree on Gas Transfer Deal To Boost Regional Energy Trade

Iran and Russia on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to facilitate the transfer of natural gas from Russia to Iran. This development was reported by Shana News Agency, which is linked to the Iranian Oil Ministry.

The agreement was formalized between the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) and Russian energy giant Gazprom in Tehran. The ceremony was attended by Iran’s Interim President Mohammad Mokhber and Gazprom’s CEO Alexei Miller.

According to Iran’s official news agency IRNA, once a contract is finalized under the MoU, Iran will begin purchasing gas from Russia. The gas will then be sold at a higher price to Iraq, Turkey, and Pakistan.

Mokhber described the deal as “strategic,” emphasizing its significance for both countries and the region. He stressed that this cooperation could pave the way for more comprehensive agreements and contracts. Mokhber also said the agreement positions Iran as a regional “gas hub” and marks a “new chapter” in regional and international relations.

Gazprom’s CEO Miller called the MoU a “major and important” step, predicting it would have “brilliant” outcomes for the region. He noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin had been keenly involved in securing the agreement and assured that Gazprom and its subsidiaries were dedicated to swiftly converting the MoU into a contract.

Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji, speaking on television, asserted that the agreement would lead to significant positive changes in the regional energy balance. The MoU, he said, followed three months of negotiations between NIGC and Gazprom.

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