Israel Weighs Rafah Operation as Hostage Deal Negotiations Continue
Palestinians inspect the damage in a residential building in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip following Israeli airstrikes early on Dec. 4, 2023. (Mohammed Abed/AFP via Getty Images)

Israel Weighs Rafah Operation as Hostage Deal Negotiations Continue

As Israel contemplates launching a ground operation in Rafah, the Gaza Strip’s southernmost city, the government is awaiting a response from Hamas on a cease-fire proposal that includes releasing hostages. According to Foreign Minister Israel Katz, the hostages’ release is the government’s priority, and the proposed operation will be suspended if a deal is reached.

Debbie Mohnblatt reports that since October 7, when Hamas attacked Israel, the government has committed to dismantling the group’s military and political infrastructure. However, a ground operation in Rafah remains controversial. Prof. Kobi Michael, a national security expert, suggests that such an operation would likely hinder negotiations for the release of hostages, which is supported by most Israelis. He also highlights Rafah’s strategic importance for Hamas, noting that controlling the area is vital to limiting the group’s access to weapons.

Dr. Ilana Shpaizman, a political studies professor, argues that despite the significance of Rafah, achieving a total victory over Hamas will take years. She emphasizes the need for a post-operation plan to prevent Hamas from regaining strength. Readers can find the full article on The Media Line’s website.

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