Rebuilding Trust in Israel: A Post-October 7 Perspective
Israeli police officers separate Israelis and Palestinians in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem on June 5, 2024. (Faiz Abu Rmeleh/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)

Rebuilding Trust in Israel: A Post-October 7 Perspective

Since the October 7 Hamas attack, Jewish-Arab relations in Israel have been strained, leading to heightened distrust and anxiety among Jewish Israelis. Maayan Hoffman’s article delves into the impact of the attack on daily life and social interactions in Israel. Trevor Fletcher, who relocated from Kibbutz Sufa to Ramat Gan after the attack, expresses his growing suspicion toward Arab Israelis, particularly in mixed Arab-Jewish cities. He shares his concerns about potential future violence and the influence of social media in exacerbating his fears. “Before October 7, I knew something was going to happen,” Fletcher says. “I knew something was coming down, but my mind could not have imagined what happened.”

The article also highlights the broader societal impacts, citing surveys from the Israel Democracy Institute and the Abraham Initiatives that reveal rising tensions between Jews and Arabs. However, despite these challenges, there are signs of hope. The Abraham Initiatives Co-Executive Director Shahira Shalaby points out that there has been no significant internal unrest since the recent Gaza conflict began, attributing this to a greater understanding and empathy between communities.

Health care is a notable example of successful Arab-Jewish cooperation, as highlighted by Ola Najami, director of the Jewish-Arab Center for Peace. “We saw how Arabs and Jews fought together in the health care system during COVID-19 and now again,” she notes.

For a deeper understanding of the current state of Jewish-Arab relations in Israel and the efforts to rebuild trust, read the full article by Maayan Hoffman.

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