Beware of the Brotherhood’s Evils

Beware of the Brotherhood’s Evils

Al Qabas, Kuwait, November 17

Since the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood movement in 1928, intense confusion and strong suspicions existed around the circumstances of its founding, the role of the British government in financing it, and the disputes that arose between its founders, especially Hassan al-Banna. In a book titled The Testimony of the True Founder of the Brotherhood, written by Muhammad Salih al-Sabti, the author cites Ahmed al-Sukkari, who is believed to be the real founder of the Brotherhood movement. The book describes how al-Sukkari became the opponent of al-Banna, pushing the latter to take over the organization. Another reason for al-Banna’s takeover was his insistence on involving the Brotherhood in politics. Today, some observers believe that, despite their recent expansion in terms of both numbers and strength, we are actually witnessing the beginning of the end of Islamic terror groups. In Egypt – perhaps the Brotherhood’s biggest historical stronghold – the group’s popularity has been on the decline. Today, it is synonymous with bribery and corruption. In an expected development, a few weeks ago, Germany’s Central Council of Muslims expelled the Brotherhood’s representatives from its membership. This was preceded by the German authorities’ decision to designate the “German Islamic Assembly” as a terrorist group. Note that the history of the Brotherhood’s penetration into Germany dates back to the 1950s. According to the information that was recently revealed, a Brotherhood member by the name of Ibrahim al-Zayat played a prominent role in supervising all Brotherhood offshoots in Germany. His influence increased after his marriage to the niece of Necmettin Erbakan, the founder of the Turkish Welfare Party, which helped him establish the European Council for Fatwa and Research as a means of raising funds for the group. The German authorities described al-Zayat as the first person in charge of the Brotherhood in Germany, responsible for financing the group’s various activities, and called him the “minister of finance of the Brotherhood.” We’ve already alerted and warned against the infiltration of the representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood movement into politics, as these people are loyal to their organization, their guide, and their oath – never to their government or homeland. – Ahmed Al-Sarraf (translated by Asaf Zilberfarb)

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