Hamas Is the Best Choice for Netanyahu!

Hamas Is the Best Choice for Netanyahu!

Al-Ahram, Egypt, May 9

Is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu truly committed to the complete elimination of Hamas? This question goes beyond his capability to achieve this goal or the current circumstances; it delves into the sincerity of his intentions. Some argue that Netanyahu is not being truthful, as he understands that removing Hamas from power is not in his best interest. The alternative to Hamas is the Palestinian Authority, which poses a greater threat to Netanyahu. The Authority boasts global support, particularly from influential Western nations that shun Hamas. The international legitimacy granted to Palestinians lies with the Authority, including the right to establish a Palestinian state—a notion vehemently rejected by Netanyahu. If Hamas were hypothetically eliminated, the Palestinian Authority would reign unchallenged, with strong international backing, pushing for a Palestinian state. Netanyahu would find himself in a weaker position against this establishment compared to his stance against Hamas. Thus, it is concluded that Netanyahu’s rhetoric regarding the eradication of Hamas lacks sincerity. His actual strategy appears to be weakening Hamas without rendering it powerless in the Gaza region, as having Hamas as his adversary benefits him. Hamas, lacking Western support, weakens the Palestinian Authority, which seeks the backing of the West in its statehood demands, a stance Netanyahu vehemently opposes. Netanyahu is emblematic of a dishonest, duplicitous politician who may not always mean what he says or may even intend the opposite. His ambiguity may be perplexing to international observers, but even within Israel, his statements are not always clear. This enigmatic quality seems to be an electoral advantage for him, as his constituents trust that he will pursue his objectives without wavering or succumbing to external pressures. Despite knowing that he may not always tell the truth, they believe his deceptive tactics will ultimately benefit him in negotiations by feigning compromise and flexibility. —Ahmed Abdel-Tawwab (translated by Asaf Zilberfarb)

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