Palestinians Between Normalization and Displacement

Palestinians Between Normalization and Displacement

Al-Ahram, Egypt, May 24

The enduring image of the Palestinian immigrant, clutching his scant possessions amid the ruins of his home, will be etched into the collective memory for generations. This figure embodies the Palestinian who experienced the 1948 Nakba, suffered the 1967 Naksa, and endured a humiliation unparalleled by any other nation. He is the Palestinian—the father of martyrs and the victim of an era steeped in oppression, injustice, racism, and fanaticism. Constantly on the move, he flees death in search of life, rarely staying in one place for long before being forced to escape from the missiles, bombs, and artillery strikes that ceaselessly rain down upon him. Today, we witness the people of Gaza, hounded by land and by air, suffering agony with few parallels in history. The Palestinian people are being asked to pay for the injustices of the past and the uncertainties of the future with the blood of their children and the lives of future generations. Amid this turmoil, they are engulfed in ever-growing terror, surrounded by the unending roar of planes and explosions, transforming their daily existence into a never-ending hell. This same Palestinian is also asked to normalize relations with his oppressor and coexist with neighbors, despite enduring at least three-quarters of a century of continuous suffering, bloodshed, dismemberment, and sorrow. It is time to advocate for new approaches to this conflict. First, utilizing the potential of normalization with the wealthiest and most influential Islamic country—Saudi Arabia. The foundational King Abdulaziz the Great [Ibn Saud] was among the first Arab leaders to recognize and understand the Zionist threat. It’s clear that the price of Saudi normalization with the State of Israel could only be justified by a fair and comprehensive settlement of the entire conflict. The kingdom and its Gulf allies must commit to reconstructing the devastated areas in Gaza, transforming them from places of desolation to incubators of life. Second, the immediate neighboring countries—especially Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and eventually Syria—bear the responsibility of establishing communication with the emergent Palestinian state and stabilizing its political and cultural foundations. This should be done in cooperation with the economically donor-rich Gulf states and the politically and culturally supportive Levant countries. The road is long, the journey toward a sustainable future arduous, but the Palestinian people, known for their indomitable spirit and determination, have consistently earned global respect with their resilience and legendary struggle. Third, the Palestinians themselves must take greater responsibility by fostering unity. The creative and capable Palestinian populace is likely to surprise both regional and international observers with their remarkable ability to rebuild and develop. The two-state solution remains a looming concern for Israel, which must maintain its superiority for survival. However, deep-seated anger and historical grievances among Palestinians may resurface periodically, complicating the reconciliation process. Though the path is fraught with difficulties, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and the will of the people can overcome all obstacles when guided by true intentions and earnest convictions. Despite the uncertainties surrounding future Israeli policies, the path forward must emerge from the crucible of prolonged suffering and oppression. Fourth, the international community, particularly the United States and its allies in Western Europe, must fully support the pathway to peace. Washington has been a key partner in Israel’s past and ongoing actions, providing political backing, military support, and diplomatic cover over the decades. The American conscience needs to awaken to the Palestinians’ protracted plight, recognizing the tragedy that has persisted for over three-quarters of a century. Finally, the global community has a moral obligation rooted in human solidarity to support the Palestinian people, who have faced distinct and severe forms of colonial oppression. The Israeli occupation exemplifies a racist colonialism driven by oppression, aggression, and the systematic demolition of homes, the killing of children, and the cold-blooded execution of leaders, with little regard for international outcry over the decades. We call upon people of conscience worldwide to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people during their ordeal. As an Egyptian, I take pride in our nation’s history of support and sacrifices for our Palestinian brothers and sisters, never straying from our steadfast principles or ignoring the call of solidarity. —Mostafa El Feki (translated by Asaf Zilberfarb)

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