The Niqab Crisis Will Strike Egypt Sooner or Later

The Niqab Crisis Will Strike Egypt Sooner or Later

Al-Ahram, Egypt, February 17

In the aftermath of the 1919 revolution, Egypt witnessed a series of profound changes that reshaped the country’s trajectory. The 1923 constitution marked a pivotal moment, ushering in a new era of liberalism and emphasizing the importance of citizenship. These developments had a particularly significant impact on Egyptian women, who transitioned from the confines of the harem to embrace the possibilities of modernity. This shift in women’s status reflected the depth of societal transformation occurring in Egypt. The role of women in shaping modern history has been a consistent theme in our nation’s history, underscoring Egypt’s vitality and its commitment to progress. The strength of a society is often measured by the degree of gender equality it achieves in public life and political engagement. Egyptian women have long fought for their rightful place in society, advocating for advancements that reflect their indispensable contributions. The active participation of Egyptian women in the 1919 revolution marked a turning point in their political and social empowerment. This period saw women transition from a state of passivity and dependence to one of self-assertion and autonomy. As society embraced change, women played a crucial role in driving societal progress, challenging conventional norms, and paving the way for a more equitable future. Women’s liberation efforts extended beyond symbolic gestures, such as discarding traditional garments like the niqab, to a broader push for education and sociopolitical inclusion. Educated women embarked on a transformative journey, venturing into rural areas to teach and inspire younger generations of Egyptians. Society gradually embraced the idea of women pursuing higher education, enabling them to stand on equal footing with men in the pursuit of knowledge. This collective awakening led to the establishment of the Egyptian Feminist Union, a testament to women’s growing influence and agency. Despite these advancements, a historical regression began in the mid-1970s, as political Islam gained prominence and sought to undermine women’s rights under the guise of religious piety. Insidious tactics were employed to enforce practices like wearing the hijab, perpetuating harmful stereotypes, and curtailing women’s freedom of choice. The insidious coercion tactics employed by some extremist preachers highlighted the systemic challenges facing Egyptian women in reclaiming their agency and autonomy. The rise of conservative ideologies led to a resurgence of strict dress codes, with the niqab becoming increasingly prevalent in both urban and rural areas. This cultural shift, aligning with extremist viewpoints, posed a stark departure from earlier norms and values. The erasure of women’s identities in the political sphere, evidenced by the dehumanizing practice of labeling female candidates as mere symbols, represented a dangerous erosion of women’s agency and individuality. However, the spirit of resilience and determination among Egyptian women remains steadfast, transcending the obstacles posed by regressive forces. History has shown that setbacks are temporary, and women continue to make strides in various fields, from government positions to artistic endeavors. The legacy of pioneering women like Safiya Zaghloul, Huda Sha’arawi, Nabawiyya Musa, and Saiza Nabarawi serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring future generations of Egyptians to uphold the values of equality and empowerment. The challenges facing Egyptian women today are daunting, but their unwavering commitment to progress and empowerment will ultimately prevail. Indeed, Egyptian women continue to shatter glass ceilings and redefine societal expectations. Their voices resonate across literature, research, and international platforms, embodying the resilience of Egyptian women in the face of adversity. —Tariq Al-Hariri (translated by Asaf Zilberfarb)

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