Israel and Hamas at War – Day 249
Fire and smoke rises above buildings during an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City on Oct. 8, 2023. (Eyad Baba/AFP via Getty Images)

Israel and Hamas at War – Day 249

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June 11, 2024 11:30 am
Report: Hamas accepts UN cease-fire resolution, awaits Israeli agreement
The Media Line Staff

Hamas has accepted a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza and is prepared to negotiate the specifics, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters on Tuesday. He emphasized that it is now up to Washington to ensure Israel complies with the resolution.

“The US administration is facing a real test to carry out its commitments in compelling the occupation to immediately end the war in an implementation of the UN Security Council resolution,” Abu Zuhri said, according to the news site.

The UN resolution, which was supported by 14 Security Council members with Russia abstaining, outlines a three-phase plan for a permanent cease-fire, the release of hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and the reconstruction of Gaza.

June 11, 2024 11:06 am
Three Hezbollah members dead as IDF hits Lebanon targets
The Media Line Staff

Israeli fighter jets conducted airstrikes on what the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) described as a significant Hezbollah compound deep in Lebanon overnight Monday-Tuesday, following the downing of an Israeli drone by the terror group.

The IDF stated that the airstrikes targeted a site in the Baalbek region belonging to Hezbollah’s Unit 4400, responsible for logistical operations and the delivery of weaponry within Lebanon. Additional strikes hit sites in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah, backed by Iran, receives much of its arms from Tehran.

Lebanese media reported that the strikes occurred in the Hermel District near Baalbek in northeastern Lebanon. Sources within Hezbollah informed AFP that three of their members were killed during the attacks.

“Three Hezbollah members were killed by nine Israeli missile strikes that targeted a convoy of tankers and a building” in a village in Hermel District, said a Hezbollah source, adding that three others were wounded. The group named two of the deceased members as Bilal a-Din from Majdel Selm and Abbas Nasser from Tayr Felsay.

June 10, 2024 11:57 am
Israeli settler trailer torched in West Bank outpost by Palestinian attackers - IDF
The Media Line Staff

Palestinians set fire to a trailer at the Sde Ephraim farm outpost in the West Bank, which serves as a living space for settlers, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Israel Fire and Rescue Service. They also reported that the fire was successfully extinguished without any injuries, as the residents were not home at the time.

Security footage captured one of the two Palestinian assailants, identified as armed, dousing a vehicle and the attached caravan with flammable liquid before igniting it. The IDF has initiated a manhunt for the attackers.

The outpost of Sde Ephraim, located on a hilltop formerly part of the adjacent Palestinian village Ras Karkar, has been a flashpoint for tensions between settlers and local Palestinians. The outpost itself was established without legal authorization.

June 10, 2024 11:09 am
Israel mourns officer killed in Gaza hostage rescue
The Media Line Staff

Thousands of mourners gathered in Jerusalem to honor the memory of Arnon Zmora, a Yamam counter-terrorism officer who tragically lost his life in a hostage rescue operation in Gaza.

Zmora was critically wounded during the mission, which successfully freed four Israeli hostages but also resulted in severe casualties, including the officer’s death. The operation, now named “Operation Arnon” in his memory, marked a poignant moment for both the nation and the families of the hostages.

As the mourners paid their respects, Zmora’s mother delivered a heartfelt eulogy, describing her son as a national hero whose youthful aspirations mirrored the bravery he exhibited in life.

June 9, 2024 2:55 pm
State Comptroller starts investigating IDF's medical response on October 7
The Media Line Staff

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman has initiated an investigation into the IDF’s medical readiness and response during the October 7 Hamas attacks, according to The Times of Israel on Sunday. This inquiry is part of Englman’s broader investigation into the IDF Technological and Logistics Directorate.

Englman announced in December the scope of his extensive investigation, which aims to uncover the policy, civil, and military failures that occurred before, during, and after the massacre carried out by the Hamas terror group on October 7.

In May, the Supreme Court ruled against the IDF’s attempt to delay Englman’s probe into the military’s handling of the attacks, allowing the investigation to proceed. This examination of the IDF’s medical readiness is a significant component of the comptroller’s overall efforts to understand and address the failures surrounding the tragic events.

June 9, 2024 1:40 pm
Benny Gantz to speak on coalition future after canceling Saturday announcement
The Media Line Staff

National Unity chairman Benny Gantz will hold a press conference in Kfar Maccabiah this evening at 8 p.m., following the cancellation of a planned announcement on Saturday night in which he was expected to declare his party’s exit from the government.

The decision to cancel Saturday’s announcement was reportedly tactical, influenced by the recent rescue of four Israeli hostages from Gaza. Despite this, Gantz’s party still plans to leave the coalition due to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s failure to address Gantz’s concerns.

After the rescue operation, Netanyahu tweeted a plea to Gantz, urging unity: “This is the time for unity and not for division.”

Gantz, one of three members of Netanyahu’s war cabinet, responded, acknowledging the success but emphasizing the ongoing challenges facing Israel: “Alongside the justified joy in the achievement, we must remember that all the challenges Israel faces have remained as they were. Therefore, I tell the prime minister and the entire leadership—today, too, we must consider responsibly how it is best and possible to continue from here.”

June 7, 2024 10:40 am
Gantz set to exit coalition over Gaza strategy dispute with Netanyahu
The Media Line Staff

War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz is set to announce the withdrawal of his National Unity party from the Israeli government by Saturday night. This decision fulfills an ultimatum he issued to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month, demanding a clear strategy for the Gaza conflict, including plans for post-Hamas governance.

According to Hebrew media reports, there have been no negotiations to bridge the gap with Gantz or to ensure his continued support in the coalition after the June 8 deadline. Without any last-minute changes, Gantz will honor his ultimatum, as the government has not addressed his demands.

Gantz has faced pressure to remain in the government since joining the coalition following the Hamas assault on October 7. The Kan public broadcaster reported that the US government has urged Gantz to delay his departure amid ongoing ceasefire and hostage negotiation efforts with Hamas in Gaza.

Netanyahu’s far-right partners, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich have opposed the proposed deal with Hamas, which the war cabinet, which includes Gantz, Netanyahu, and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, approved. They have threatened to collapse the government if the deal proceeds.

June 6, 2024 3:00 pm
Netanyahu faces criticism for meeting Likud candidate amid crisis
The Media Line Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came under fire on Wednesday for prioritizing political meetings over crisis management during his tour of Kiryat Shmona, a northern city recently bombarded by Hezbollah. Despite the escalating conflict, Netanyahu chose to meet with Kiryat Shmona’s Likud mayoral candidate instead of the incumbent Mayor Avichai Stern, who has openly criticized the prime minister.

Netanyahu’s visit was originally described by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) as a military and security assessment of the northern border, with no civilian meetings planned, including with Mayor Stern. However, the narrative shifted when Likud mayoral candidate Eli Zafrani posted photos on Facebook showing him briefing Netanyahu. The PMO later clarified that Zafrani was not officially invited but attended on his own initiative.

Zafrani’s post expressed his concerns about the city’s dire situation, stating, “I made it clear to him that the patience of our dear residents has run out, and something must be done about the abnormal situation that we have found ourselves in.”

June 6, 2024 1:22 pm
Former Israeli Supreme Court president steps down from ICJ
The Media Line Staff

Aharon Barak, the former president of Israel’s Supreme Court, has resigned from his role as an ad hoc judge on an International Court of Justice (ICJ) panel. The panel is currently addressing a genocide allegation related to Israel’s military actions in Gaza, officials reported on Wednesday.

In a resignation letter dated June 4, which was republished by various Israeli media outlets, Barak, who is 87 years old, cited personal and family reasons for his decision to step down. The specifics of these reasons were not disclosed in his letter.

According to the rules of the ICJ, a country that does not have a national judge on the bench is permitted to nominate an ad hoc judge to participate in cases concerning them. It remains unclear who will succeed Barak as Israel’s ad hoc judge on the panel.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog expressed his gratitude towards Barak for his service at The Hague. In a formal statement, Herzog emphasized Israel’s resolve, stating, “We will continue to stand steadfast against the evil, hypocrisy, and libels cast against the State of Israel and IDF (Israel Defence Forces).”

June 5, 2024 3:33 pm
Survey: Israelis losing faith in government's post-war planning
The Media Line Staff

A recent survey conducted by the Viterbi Family Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research at the Israel Democracy Institute between May 26 and May 28, 2024, reveals a significant decline in public optimism and confidence in the Israeli government’s post-war planning. The survey, which included 600 Jewish and 150 Arab respondents, highlights growing discontent and skepticism among the Israeli population.

The survey indicates a continuing decline in optimism regarding Israel’s future democratic rule and national security. Overall, optimism has reached its lowest point since the survey began. A substantial 80% of respondents believe the government lacks a clear plan for the aftermath of the Gaza conflict. This sentiment is shared widely among Jews and Arabs, as well as across various political factions. Among Jewish respondents, those identifying as Left or Center overwhelmingly feel the government is unprepared for the post-war scenario.

The government’s performance since October 7 was assessed on several fronts, including the war in Gaza, the conflict with Hezbollah, the treatment of evacuees, public diplomacy, and relations with the US. None of the issues received an average grade above the midpoint of 3, with Arab respondents giving particularly low ratings. Arab respondents gave the government’s handling of the Gaza conflict the lowest scores, while Jewish respondents rated the government’s management of relations with the US the highest, though still below satisfactory levels.

June 4, 2024 3:44 pm
Alleged Israeli air strikes kill several in Syria
The Media Line Staff

Purported Israeli airstrikes killed an unspecified number of people, including an Iranian military adviser, near the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Monday, according to reporting from Syrian state-run news.  

Later, media affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard confirmed the death of military adviser Saeed Abyar in the blast. He is the first Iranian military attaché in Syria to be killed since Israel’s April strike near Iran’s consulate in Damascus.  

Israel rarely acknowledges its strikes in Syria and has so far not addressed the incident. 

June 3, 2024 1:30 pm
IDF identifies remains of volunteer medic killed in Hamas attack
The Media Line Staff

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Monday that Dolev Yehud, who was initially believed to have been taken hostage by Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attacks, has been declared dead. His remains were identified among those found in Israel, concluding a painful chapter for his family and community.

Dolev Yehud, a 35-year-old volunteer medic with Magen David Adom and United Hatzalah, heroically left his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz on the morning of the attacks to assist others. Tragically, he was killed during the onslaught. Dolev is survived by his wife, Sigal, and their four children. His youngest child, Dor, was born shortly after the attack.

The identification process was complicated by the condition of the remains, as some victims of the Hamas massacre were burned or mutilated beyond recognition. Advances in scientific identification techniques, however, eventually helped confirm that the previously unidentified body was indeed that of Dolev.

June 2, 2024 5:40 pm
Crowded shelters in Gaza struggle with food needs: UNRWA official
The Media Line Staff

A UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) official in Gaza warned that the besieged Palestinian enclave requires adequate food aid to prevent famine. Inas Hamdan, acting public information officer for UNRWA in Gaza, said in a Cairo interview with Egypt’s Al-Qahera News that there are no safe zones in Gaza and the humanitarian crisis is worsening. She reported that shelter centers in Khan Yunis and central Gaza are overcrowded with refugees from Rafah, with around 16,000 people per center. Hamdan emphasized the need for health services and sufficient food supplies.

May 30, 2024 11:45 am
Netanyahu surpasses Gantz as preferred Israeli premier in latest polls
The Media Line Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has surpassed War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz as the public’s preferred choice for premier, according to a recent television survey by Channel 12 news. This marks the first time in a year that Netanyahu has outpolled his closest rival, highlighting a significant shift in public opinion.

The poll results come at a time when Netanyahu’s Likud party has also shown gains against Gantz’s centrist National Union. The survey suggests that if elections were held today, Likud would secure 21 seats in the Knesset, trailing National Union’s 25 seats by a narrow margin. This gap represents a significant closing from previous polls where the National Union led by as much as 19 seats.

Additionally, the poll indicates that a potential new right-wing alliance, including Netanyahu’s former allies, could secure a substantial number of parliamentary seats, primarily at the expense of Gantz’s National Union.

May 28, 2024 11:28 am
Netanyahu defends Gaza strategy amid Knesset criticism
The Media Line Staff

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking from the Knesset podium, firmly defended his government’s actions in Gaza and vehemently denied allegations of bad faith in negotiations for the release of hostages held by Hamas. His comments came during a heated session that was convened after opposition lawmakers collected 40 signatures demanding his appearance to discuss his management of the ongoing conflict.

Netanyahu’s speech was a response to both internal political pressures and a recent controversial military strike in Rafah, which resulted in significant civilian casualties and drew international condemnation. He reiterated his commitment to continue the military campaign until all objectives were met, framing the conflict as a necessary defense against terrorism and a proactive measure to prevent future massacres.

The Prime Minister also addressed the criticism following the Rafah strike, explaining that while the operation targeted Hamas commanders, it unfortunately led to civilian deaths, which he described as a tragic mishap. According to Netanyahu, the Israeli government has made extensive efforts to evacuate civilians and minimize harm.

Members of the opposition, including Yair Lapid, criticized Netanyahu’s leadership, accusing him of poor crisis management and calling for an election to establish a more capable government. Lapid’s emotional plea highlighted the severe impact of the conflict on Israeli society and the dire situation of hostages still held by Hamas.

May 27, 2024 4:18 pm
Israeli and Egyptian forces clash near Rafah, two soldiers killed
The Media Line Staff

Tensions escalated near Rafah on Monday as Israeli and Egyptian forces exchanged fire, resulting in the death of an Egyptian soldier. A second soldier was confirmed to have been killed later on Monday.

Sources within the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) indicated that the confrontation began when Egyptian soldiers opened fire, prompting Israeli forces to return fire. Following the exchange, IDF officials reportedly reached out to their Egyptian counterparts to de-escalate the situation and halt further hostilities.

This confrontation marks a rare instance of direct military engagement between Israel and Egypt, countries which have maintained a peace treaty since 1979.


May 27, 2024 11:00 am
Violence erupts as pilgrims defy closure of Meron festival site
The Media Line Staff

Clashes erupted on Sunday between Israeli police and Jewish pilgrims at the site of a tragic crowd crush in Meron, which killed 45 people three years ago. The site, hosting the annual Lag B’Omer festival at the tomb of a 2nd-century sage, was closed this year due to ongoing security concerns, including recent rocket attacks from Lebanon.

Authorities, citing the past tragedy and current threats, had canceled this year’s event, which traditionally attracts tens of thousands of participants for all-night sessions of prayer, song, and dance. The recent hostilities initiated by Hezbollah following the October 7th Hamas assault on southern Israel led to evacuations across many northern Israeli towns and a heightened security alert.

Despite the official cancellation and warnings, hundreds of pilgrims breached the closure over the weekend, leading to confrontations with law enforcement. The police reported property damage and assaults, with several officers injured during the fracas. Media outlets also noted injuries among the pilgrims, with the police taking action against at least one officer for excessive use of force.

May 26, 2024 2:15 pm
For the first time in months, rockets fired toward central Israel from Gaza
The Media Line Staff

The Iron Dome air defense system intercepted a barrage of rockets launched from the Gaza Strip toward central Israel, marking the first such aggression targeting the area in nearly six months. The assault prompted immediate air raid sirens in central Israel.

Hamas has claimed responsibility for the attack, which targeted the Tel Aviv area with 12 rockets. The Israeli military has not yet responded to the attacks, but the sudden escalation has raised concerns about a potential increase in hostilities.

May 26, 2024 12:35 pm
Gantz calls for state inquiry into October 7 invasion and Gaza war
The Media Line Staff

Benny Gantz, leader of the National Unity party and a key figure in Israel’s war cabinet, has officially submitted a proposal for the establishment of a state commission of inquiry into the events of the October 7 Hamas invasion and the ongoing war in Gaza. This proposal, aimed at scrutinizing the political, military, and intelligence decision-making at various stages of the conflict, was presented to the cabinet secretariat and is pending approval.

The proposed commission would not only delve into the decisions leading up to and during the conflict but also assess Israel’s compliance with international law throughout the duration of the war. This aspect of the inquiry is particularly significant given the current international legal challenges Israel faces, including potential arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

In a statement to the press, the National Unity party outlined that the commission would investigate “all events that preceded the war,” focusing on how different government and security bodies managed their responsibilities regarding the Gaza border and responded to the Hamas attack on October 7.

Gantz’s initiative comes at a time of heightened internal discord over the war’s management. Gantz threatens to leave the government unless Netanyahu outlines a comprehensive postwar strategy for Gaza by June 8.

May 26, 2024 11:58 am
Egypt and US collaborate to deliver critical aid to Gaza through Israeli crossing
The Media Line Staff

Today, approximately 200 aid trucks, including four designated for fuel, are scheduled to enter Gaza through the Kerem Shalom Crossing, marking a crucial development in humanitarian efforts for the region. This announcement comes from Khaled Zayed, head of the Egyptian Red Crescent Society in North Sinai, who confirmed the details to Reuters.

The convoy’s rerouting through Kerem Shalom follows an impasse at the Rafah border crossing, which has been closed since May 7 due to an Israeli military operation. The decision to reroute the aid comes after a high-level agreement between Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi and US President Joe Biden, aimed at alleviating the humanitarian crisis without endorsing Israel’s military actions at Rafah.

Egypt has stood firm on not reopening Rafah for aid passage until Israeli forces withdraw, emphasizing its stance against appearing complicit in the military operations. The agreement reached by Sissi and Biden during their recent phone call will allow temporary relief through an alternative route, providing much-needed supplies and fuel to Gaza’s beleaguered population.

May 24, 2024 11:10 am
IDF recovers bodies of three hostages from Gaza in overnight operation
The Media Line Staff

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has announced the recovery of the bodies of three hostages from the northern Gaza Strip following an overnight operation. The hostages, identified as Orión Hernández Radoux, 30, Hanan Yablonka, 42, and Michel Nisenbaum, 59, were confirmed killed on October 7, based on newly acquired reliable intelligence.

Hernández Radoux, a dual Mexican-French national, Yablonka, and Nisenbaum were initially abducted from the Mefalsim area during a Hamas attack. This location had seen previous violent incidents, including the murder and abduction of four other hostages whose bodies were recently retrieved from a tunnel in Jabaliya.

The operation to recover the bodies was a joint effort between the military and Shin Bet, leveraging precise intelligence gathered in the ongoing conflict. Following the recovery, the bodies were taken to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute for identification, after which the families were informed of the tragic news.

May 23, 2024 4:33 pm
IDF says Netanyahu warned of security risks amid judicial reform protests
The Media Line Staff

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received multiple warnings from Military Intelligence about the potential repercussions of domestic unrest on national security. Between March and July 2023, four communiques stressed concerns about how Israel’s enemies perceived the country’s internal divisions, particularly affecting the cohesion of the State of Israel and the IDF.

The disclosure came in response to a request by the Hatzlacha NGO, which sought details on the intelligence warnings seven months ago. The unrest cited in the warnings stemmed from widespread protests against the government’s controversial judicial reforms. Critics argued that the proposed changes and the resultant massive opposition movement projected an image of weakness, encouraging Hamas to initiate an aggressive attack on October 7.

During the demonstrations, military personnel, including Air Force reservists, also took significant action, frozing their service in protest against the government’s policies. This led to concerns within the IDF about potential impacts on Israel’s defense capabilities.

May 23, 2024 3:24 pm
Israeli military confirms airstrike on Hizbullah operative in Lebanon
The Media Line Staff

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) carried out a targeted drone strike this morning in southern Lebanon, resulting in the death of a Hizbullah operative, Nasser Farran. The IDF identified Farran as a “prominent” figure within the group, primarily involved in the manufacturing and procurement of weapons for Hizbullah.

The operation took place near Kafr Dajjal, close to the city of Nabatieh. Hizbullah confirmed Farran’s death earlier today but did not comment on his specific role within the organization. According to the IDF, Farran played a crucial role in “the production of Hizbullah’s strategic and unique weapons,” and facilities under his command had been targeted by Israel in recent months.

The Israeli military stated that the strike was part of ongoing efforts to disrupt Hizbullah’s capability to build up arms intended to target the Israeli home front. The IDF has released footage of the drone strike, underlining their continued surveillance and readiness to engage threats across its borders.

May 22, 2024 2:12 pm
Ben Gvir criticizes European recognition of Palestinian state during Temple Mount visit
The Media Line Staff

During his first visit to the Temple Mount since the devastating October 7 attacks, Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir criticized the recent moves by Norway, Spain, and Ireland to recognize a Palestinian state, arguing that such actions reward Hamas.

Standing at one of the most sensitive religious sites in Jerusalem, Ben Gvir, surrounded by police, delivered a strong message against the diplomatic gestures that he equated to giving a prize to terrorists. He used his platform to argue for the complete destruction of Hamas, mentioning the need for a military strategy akin to a “root canal” to eradicate the group’s presence in Rafah completely.

The National Security Minister also proposed stringent measures such as cutting off fuel supplies to Gaza and restricting humanitarian aid, underscoring his position that only by fully dismantling Hamas can security be restored.

May 22, 2024 1:26 pm
Israel's attorney general, state attorney slam ICC's warrants as baseless
The Media Line Staff

Israel’s Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara and State Attorney Amit Aisman have dismissed the recent request by ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan for arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant as baseless. The top Israeli legal officials argued that the ICC has no jurisdiction to investigate or charge Israeli officials, asserting that Israel’s legal systems are fully capable of handling such matters themselves.

In a joint statement, Baharav-Miara and Aisman emphasized that the Israeli security forces, including the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), conduct their operations in strict adherence to international law. They stated, “The security forces wage war with full commitment to the rules of international law.”

They further reiterated the readiness of Israel’s legal system to scrutinize any serious allegations regarding policy or individual actions. The statement reinforced Israel’s long-standing position that the ICC lacks the authority to delve into matters involving Israeli officials, describing the court’s recent actions as unfounded.

May 22, 2024 12:42 pm
Egyptian, Dutch foreign ministers call for Gaza cease-fire
The Media Line Staff

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry spoke with Dutch Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins Slot on Tuesday to discuss efforts for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, according to an Egyptian Foreign Ministry statement. They exchanged views on Israel’s military operation in Rafah, near the Egypt-Gaza border.

“They shared concern about the humanitarian and security consequences of these moves, which will only result in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe that must be avoided,” the statement said.

Shoukry reaffirmed Egypt’s opposition to displacing Palestinians and emphasized the need for international efforts to end the conflict and establish an independent Palestinian state.

Bruins Slot stressed the importance of a cease-fire and humanitarian aid, supporting a two-state solution.

Recent cease-fire talks in Cairo mediated by Egypt, Qatar, and the US failed to reach an agreement.

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