Hostage Families Forum Releases Footage of Female Soldiers Abducted by Hamas
A person holds a portrait of Israeli hostage Liri Albag as relatives and supporters of hostages held in Gaza protest outside the defence ministry in Tel Aviv on November 15, 2023. (AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP via Getty Images)

Hostage Families Forum Releases Footage of Female Soldiers Abducted by Hamas

The Hostages Families Forum publicly released a harrowing video on Wednesday showing the abduction of five female surveillance officers from the Nahal Oz base, held captive by Hamas for 229 days. The video, edited to remove the most disturbing content, captures the initial moments of the abduction, showcasing the intense fear and brutal treatment faced by the victims. This release marks a plea for renewed efforts to rescue the hostages.

On October 7, during the attack at Nahal Oz, 15 female observers were killed, and seven were abducted. While one was rescued and another was killed in captivity, the remaining five—Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa, and Naama Levy—remain hostages. The Families Forum has called this release a “damning testament to the nation’s failure” to secure the hostages’ release, criticizing the Israeli government for not doing enough to bring them home.

The video’s release is intended to mobilize public and governmental action toward resuming negotiations for the hostages’ return. The forum emphasized the urgency of this mission, stating, “There is no greater mission, no more significant achievement, and no chance to restore hope to Israel without the return of all—the living for rehabilitation and the murdered for burial. The Israeli government must not waste even one more moment—it must return to the negotiating table today!”

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