Support for Iranian Protesters as Christian Media Summit Returns to Jerusalem
The Media Line's Felice Friedson interviews CBN Middle East Bureau chief Chris Mitchell at the Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem, December 2022. (Screenshot: The Media Line)

Support for Iranian Protesters as Christian Media Summit Returns to Jerusalem

Iran, antisemitism, and terrorism on the agenda as leading figures in the Christian world arrive in the Israeli capital after COVID-induced hiatus

Iran, growing terrorism, antisemitism, and Israel advocacy dominated last week’s gathering Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem as journalists, activists, and people of faith came from around the world to partake in the first in-person conference since COVID-19.

Participants in the summit included Israel Defense Forces International Spokesperson Lt. Col. Richard Hecht, who after giving attendees an overview of security issues facing Israel, told The Media Line that the Israeli-Palestinian issue was volatile.

Iran experts meanwhile warned of the Islamic Republic’s determination to achieve nuclear capabilities and expressed a shared admiration for the Iranian people who are taking to the streets to protest the draconian religious laws that govern life, especially for women.

The panelists were not the only ones with a message of support for the protesters, with many others present praising the resilience of the ongoing protests in the face of a brutal regime response that has led to hundreds of deaths.

“There are courageous people in Iran and outside of Iran truly calling for change,” Bishop Robert Stearns, the founder of Eagle Wings Ministry, told The Media Line.

“Right now, these courageous young women who are taking off the hijabs and standing up, we have to believe that we really could see a sea change in Iran,” he said.

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