Thousands of Refugees Pour Into Romania From Ukraine (VIDEO REPORT)
A refugee from Ukraine arrives on a train at the North Railway Station in Bucharest on March 4, 2022. (Mihai Barbu/AFP via Getty Images)

Thousands of Refugees Pour Into Romania From Ukraine (VIDEO REPORT)

The Media Line is on the ground in Romania to cover the refugee crisis from Ukraine.

Thousands of refugees from the war in Ukraine are arriving daily by train in Romania. At the Bucharest Train Station, they are greeted by dozens of volunteers who help them get food and water and a bed for the night. The volunteers include paramedics and translators. There are even volunteers to help the refugees take care of their pets that they have brought with them, some being carried in cardboard boxes. Other volunteers work at a table where Romanian citizens can sign up to offer to their homes for the refugees.

Many of the refugees are planning to stay in the city, but others are moving on to other European capitals. Refugees planning to head for Israel who qualify for automatic citizenship under the country’s Law of Return will spend the night at a hotel or in a cot at the local Jewish Community Center while waiting for their flight.


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