Netanyahu at UN: Israel Fights for Its Life Against ‘Savage Enemies’
Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during the 79th General Debate of the UN General Assembly. (Michael Kappeler/picture alliance via Getty Images)

Netanyahu at UN: Israel Fights for Its Life Against ‘Savage Enemies’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, claiming that he had not initially planned to attend, as Israel is currently “fighting for its life.” However, Netanyahu said he was compelled to appear after hearing “lies and slanders” from the UN, prompting him to come and “set the record straight.”

Netanyahu emphasized Israel’s commitment to peace, stating, “Israel seeks peace, Israel yearns for peace, Israel has made peace and will make peace again.” Yet, he warned of “savage enemies who seek our annihilation.” He revealed that a peace deal with Saudi Arabia was close when he last spoke at the UN, but that progress was shattered when Hamas launched a brutal assault on Israel on October 7, with “scenes reminiscent of the Nazi Holocaust,” recounting how Hamas terrorists crossed the border, committing acts of “murder, rape, mutilation, and burning people alive.”

Additionally, the Israeli prime minister pointed out the hostage families in attendance and asked them to rise. He shared stories of each of the hostages, including those whose bodies were dragged into Gaza and survivors of the Nova festival. “We have brought home 154 hostages, including 117 alive,” Netanyahu stated, most of them freed as part of a truce deal in November. He promised not to rest until all the hostages are returned.

Highlighting his address with his signature visual aids, Netanyahu held up the map he had shown last year, envisioning a logistical bridge from India through the Middle East and Israel, which he called a map of “the blessing.” He then contrasted it with a map of “the curse,” depicting Iran’s crescent of allies stretching across the Middle East. Addressing Iran directly, Netanyahu declared, “I have a message for the tyrants of Tehran: if you strike us, we will strike you. There is no place in Iran where the long arm of Israel cannot reach. And that is true for the entire Middle East.”

Netanyahu condemned Hamas for stealing humanitarian aid and reselling it to its own people, asserting, “This too has to end, and we are working to bring it to an end.” He stressed that Hamas must be removed from power to prevent further attacks against Israel, declaring, “Hamas has got to go.” He rejected any reconstruction plan for Gaza that includes Hamas, calling it “inconceivable” and “ridiculous.” Instead, he said Israel would support any peaceful civil administration in Gaza.

Addressing the broader threat from Iran, Netanyahu issued a stark warning: “For too long, the world has appeased Iran. That appeasement must end, and that appeasement must end now.” He called on the global community to support Israel in stopping Iran’s nuclear ambitions and urged the UN Security Council to impose “snapback” sanctions on Tehran.

Netanyahu also highlighted the expansion of conflict beyond Gaza, noting the multiple fronts Israel faces, including attacks from Hezbollah, Iran-backed militias in Iraq, and over 250 attacks from the Houthis in Yemen. Directly addressing Iran, he stated, “If you strike us, we will strike you. There is no place in Iran where the long arm of Israel cannot reach.”

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