The Kingdom of Jordan and Hamas’ Destructive Path

The Kingdom of Jordan and Hamas’ Destructive Path

Al Rai, Kuwait, May 1

The recent remarks by Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook regarding the potential relocation of Hamas leaders to Jordan demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of the historical and political significance of the Hashemite Kingdom. This rhetoric not only reflects a disregard for the safety and well-being of both Palestinians and Jordanians but also overlooks the longstanding relationship between Jordan and the Palestinian cause, with a significant population of Palestinians finding refuge and security within Jordan. It is essential to emphasize that Jordan is not an open territory for Abu Marzook and other Hamas leaders to exploit, as it has consistently supported the Palestinian struggle while upholding its own sovereignty and security. Jordan is a nation built on strong institutions, including a robust military and security apparatus, equipped to defend itself and foster stability for its citizens. What is particularly troubling about Abu Marzook’s statements is his apparent refusal to learn from past experiences, notably the tragic events in Gaza resulting from Hamas’ provocative actions and the subsequent devastating Israeli response. Instead of drawing lessons from Gaza, Hamas appears intent on exporting its confrontational tactics to Jordan, despite the grave implications this would have for regional stability and security. It is evident that Hamas’ alignment with Iranian interests is driving its antagonistic stance toward Jordan, with Iran seeking to destabilize and expand its influence in the region at the expense of Arab states. Jordan has long been a target of Iranian aggression, with Hizbullah in Lebanon and Iraqi militias serving as proxies for Tehran’s disruptive agenda. Abu Marzook would be wise to reflect on historical events, such as King Hussein’s pivotal decisions during the Palestinian conflicts of the 1970s, which ultimately safeguarded both Jordan and the Palestinian cause. Similarly, the late monarch’s swift action to save Khaled Mashal from an Israeli assassination attempt underscored Jordan’s commitment to peace and security. Furthermore, Hamas’ misguided perception of Jordanian sentiment, particularly among Palestinians, ignores the overwhelming support for King Abdullah II and his pursuit of stability and prosperity. The majority of Jordanians, regardless of their background, recognize the king as a symbol of unity and progress, standing firmly against extremist ideologies that threaten the nation’s security. Ultimately, Hamas’ aggressive rhetoric toward Jordan reflects a dangerous disregard for regional stability and cooperation. Rather than learning from past mistakes and embracing dialogue and diplomacy, Hamas persists in pursuing a destructive path that undermines the well-being of Palestinians, Jordanians, and the broader Arab world. Hamas leaders must reassess their approach and prioritize genuine dialogue and cooperation to advance the interests of all parties involved. —Kheirallah Kheirallah (translated by Asaf Zilberfarb)

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