A New Vision for Israel and Palestine
Date and time: Sunday, August 16, 2020, 2:30 to 4 pm Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
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A Paradigm Shift: Thinking Beyond The Two-State Solution
This holiday season, give to:
Truth and understanding
The Media Line's intrepid correspondents are in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Pakistan providing first-person reporting.
They all said they cover it.
We see it.
We report with just one agenda: the truth.

Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism are mutually exclusive and contradictory. Yet neither has been able to eliminate the other.
The two-state solution attempted to resolve their differences through partition and separation, yet it failed, largely because – according to the Palestinian narrative – settlements spread in the area that was intended for a Palestinian state under that scenario.
Its failure forces us to look to a new paradigm, which requires each movement to adjust and morph into a new ideology that does not negate the Other, but rather embraces it in a new reality that covers all of Palestine/Israel. This new reality must meet the basic needs of each group without denying the needs or identity of the Other.
Jonathan Kuttab, a Palestinian human rights lawyer and activist, who was head of the Palestinian Legal Committee during the Israel-PLO negotiations for the Cairo Agreement, that led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority, will lay out what such a new vision would look like and how it could work.