Collapsed Caliphate? Understanding the Islamic State in 2020
Date and time: Tuesday, July 14, 202, 4 pm Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)
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Six years ago, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi delivered his first sermon as “caliph” of the newly minted Islamic State. Today, Islamic State branches are thriving globally despite territorial defeats in Iraq and Syria. The US is negotiating a drawdown in Iraq, withdrawing from Afghanistan, and assessing force levels in Africa. Is the US again declaring victory too soon? And what comes next for the Islamic State?
Please join American Enterprise Institute’s Katherine Zimmerman for a virtual conversation with a panel of experts on the Islamic State, its ideology, and its operations. They will discuss Islamic State’s strategy, how it interprets its own successes and failures, and lessons the Trump Administration should draw from past counterterrorism operations.
Submit questions to or on Twitter using the hashtag #ISISFuture.
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4:00 pm Opening remarks: Katherine Zimmerman, resident fellow, AEI
4:05 pm Panel discussion
- Cole Bunzel, research fellow, Hoover Institution
- Emily Estelle, Critical Threats Project research manager, AEI
- Haroro J. Ingram, senior research fellow, George Washington Program on Extremism
- Craig Whiteside, associate professor, US Naval War College at the Naval Postgraduate School
Moderator: Katherine Zimmerman, resident fellow, AEI
4:40 pm Q&A
5:00 pm Adjournment
Contact Information
Event: Jacqueline Derks | | +1 202.888.6574
Media: | +1 202.862.5829