FREE: Arabic Grammar Through the Qur’an

FREE: Arabic Grammar Through the Qur’an

Sun, 16 Jan 2022 10:00 - 12:00 Greenwich Mean Time (UTC±0)

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Learning Arabic grammar through the analysis of Qur’anic verses.

About this event

This FREE 5 lesson Master Class event is for students of the Arabic language that have had exposure to the study of Arabic grammar AND Arabic speaking at intermediate/advanced level.

This short course is ideal for students that want to strengthen and consolidate their Arabic language knowledge and skills through a deep-dive practical application and examination of Qur’anic verses.

Students will:

  • Convert spoken Arabic skills into technical grammar knowledge
  • Analyse unique grammatical structures in the Qur’an
  • Discover unique word and phrase structures in the Qur’an
  • Master the 10 common Arabic verb forms used in the Quran
  • Identify some uncommon verbs used in the Quran
  • Study the types of weak nouns used in the Quran
  • Study weak verbs in all 10 forms as used in the Quran
  • Analyse the use of لَيْسَ (laysa) in the Quran
  • Analyse the use of كَانَ (kaana) in the Quran

What will you get?

  • A PDF pack on Arabic and Qur’anic grammar
  • Video recordings after the event
  • An opportunity to study Arabica Institute’s Level 7

How will you benefit?

  • Feel the Qur’an come to life through grammatical analysis and commentary
  • Receive a practical demonstration of the power of Arabic grammar to elucidate hidden layers and meaning
  • Strengthen your faith through coming up close to the language and meanings of the Qur’an

Who is this for?

  • For those who want to apply their existing Arabic knowledge to Qur’anic Arabic
  • For those who want to use Qur’anic Arabic study to enhance their Arabic grammar and language skills
  • Intermediate knowledge of Arabic language is required (must have completed Arabica Institute’s Level 6 or equivalent)


View more course options by going to our course search page here.

Use this super quick form here to tell us when and where you’d like to learn Arabic.

Alternatively contact the Arabica team here.

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