Israeli Annexation and the Future of Palestine

Israeli Annexation and the Future of Palestine

Date and time: Monday, June 29, 2020, 4 pm Doha time (UTC+3) | 2 pm British Summer Time (UTC+1)

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  • Dahlia Scheindlin, scholar at The Century Foundation
  • Hugh Lovatt, policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations
  • Khaled Elgindy, senior fellow at the Middle East Institute
  • Online moderator: Omar H. Rahman, visiting fellow, Brookings Doha Center

Israel’s new unity government has confirmed its intentions to pursue annexation of a substantial portion of the West Bank as early as July 1, 2020, with backing from the Trump Administration. This unilateral step, which will make a reversal in Israeli policy politically impossible, is meant to prevent any future establishment of an independent Palestinian state. In response, the Palestinian leadership has absolved itself of prior agreements with Israel and the United States, including the Oslo Accords, but provided few clear indications of what it will do next. What is clear, however, is that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is entering a new stage, which will be very different from the one that preceded it.

The Brookings Doha Center invites you to attend a webinar on the implications of Israeli annexation and the future of Palestine. The discussion will address the following questions: What are the likely consequences for everyone involved, especially the Palestinian people, and how will international policymakers adjust to the post-annexation reality? What does this mean for the Palestinian campaign within international institutions, especially the International Criminal Court? What is the fate of the Palestinian national movement, and what does this mean for the region?

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Kindly note that there is a maximum capacity to join this webinar.

The discussion will include a Question and Answer session.

All attendees will have the chance to submit questions via the Q&A option in the Zoom webinar and these can be submitted anonymously during the time allocated for Q&A.

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